An investigation into the social and cultural impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on children from Black, Asian and other racialised minority ethnic communities in Scotland
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Using COVID-safe methods, we will engage with children themselves about how they are experiencing the pandemic in Scotland, and what they want public services to do in order to actually help them and their communities. Children and young people of colour in Scotland may have been particularly impacted by COVID-19 in terms of ‘ However, there is an overall lack of data on the experiences of and during .
The project has been designed in collaboration with grassroots anti-racist activists, researchers and educators in Scotland.
Children have the right, under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989), to be consulted on all matters that affect them. However, they are frequently left out of policy and practice research. This project seeks to engage directly with children themselves and to share the learning rapidly with the public, including policymakers and practitioners who are operationalizing emergency—and long-term--response measures to the pandemic.
Division: Psychology, Sociology and Education